die Bohrmaschine = drill I don't know when I will use this.
die Reiserücktrittsversicherung = trip cancellation insurance I managed to, step by step, guess this word in a Taboo-like game in class.
das Kehrblech = dustpan Haha, 'blech.' That was Emma's and my noise of disapproval and disgust in fifth or sixth grade.
das Partytier = party animal I was at the KGB Sowjetbar on Monday night, but missed out on Shot Night at one of the dorm bars tonight due to studying and exhaustion and not really caring.
der Last-Minute-Trip I almost went to Heidelberg on Sunday when the hike in the Schwarzwald (= Black Forest) was cancelled due to Saturday's rain. Instead, I walked around Freiburg and took this Schnappschuss, among others:
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